Shayna Burns

About Shayna

Born in Toronto, Canada.
Living and playing in Melbourne, Australia.
Working everywhere the Internet takes me.

Creating space to support purpose-driven organisations.

My career in SEO and digital marketing began in 2006, but since exiting the world of full-time agency work in 2017, I’ve been a firm advocate for living with purpose and by design. To me, that means creating a life that delights and challenges you in equal measure.

My tested and preferred ratio is 1:4:2 - one day of volunteering, four days of work consulting across different marketing projects, and two days off per week. Creating time to volunteer each week has been a rewarding decision - one that has facilitated connections with wonderful people who regularly inspire me to be better.

Who I’ve recently supported

Learning For Life Autism Centre Website.png

Learning For Life Autism Centre

A non-profit organisation in Melbourne, Victoria providing fair access to therapy for children with autism.

Capacity: Board member - Marketing Chair


Gender Equality in Advertising

shEqual: a movement for gender equality in advertising - both within the Australian advertising industry and in the ads and media we consume - coordinated by Women’s Health Victoria.

Services: Website build consultancy; SEO research, strategy & implementation

Website launched November 2020.

I’m fiercely passionate about creating a more inclusive and empathetic world and seek to support organisations and social enterprises that align to this mission.